I have the following code for creating a spreadsheet with the ODS Excel Destination: ods excel file="&SASRoot.\&DataRoot.\E-mail Tables.xlsx"
options(embedded_titles="yes" contents="yes" embedded_footnotes="yes");
ods proclabel= "Table 1: Review Status by Review Type FY 2017";
title "Table 1: Review Status by Review Type FY 2017";
footnote link="#'The Table of Contents'!a1" "Return to TOC"; run;
proc tabulate data=temp1(where=(fiscal_year=2017));
class TableReviewType stat;
table TableReviewType=' ',stat="Review Status"*(n*f=comma5. rowpctn*f=comma7.2)
/ box="Review Type";
keylabel N='#' RowPctN='%';
run; This works beautifully except that the “Table of Contents” spreadsheet creates three rows (“nodes”) that link to the table’s spreadsheet so the TOC sheet looks like this: Table 1: Review Status by Review Type FY 2017 Cross-tabular summary report Table When I click on each row, I do jump to the table, but I would like to have only the first Row (with the Table Name) to be on the TOC spreadsheet. I know it is possible with ODS PDF (and perhaps some other ODS destinations) to restrict the TOC to one “node” for a table and I have tried to use code similar to the code that accomplishes this with other ODS destinations within my ODS Excel code, but have been unsuccessful. I have examined the ODS Excel documentation on the SAS® website (and available through the help menu within SAS®), but could not find instructions for anything beyond simply creating the TOC sheet. I have also reviewed a few SGF papers, but still have not found a solution. Any help would be appreciated.
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