Issue when trying to achieve a dynamic SQL Where statement with a Macro Variable that contains symbol I have a script to perform PROC SQL Update in which the Where statement (both left and right side of the Where statement) is dynamic. However, I am getting this error: ERROR: Function STRIP requires a character expression as argument 1. The script as below. %let in_dataset_aoc = land.pvcf;
%let out_dataset_aoc = work.pvcf2;
%let concat_str_aoc = strip(ENTITY_ID)||'#'||strip(REPORTING_DT)||'#'||strip(INSURANCE_CONTRACT_GROUP_ID)||'#'||strip(CASHFLOW_TYPE_CD)||'#'||strip(CURRENCY_CD);
data load_process;
set &in_dataset_aoc.;
format KEY $10000.;
KEY = &concat_full_aoc.;
proc sql noprint;
select key, PV_RSK_ADJ_AMT, PV_BEL_AMT, PV_BV_BEL_AMT, PV_LIC_BEL_CUR_AMT, PV_LIC_BEL_PT_AMT, PV_LIC_RA_CUR_AMT, PV_LIC_RA_PT_AMT into :key_1-, :pv_rsk_adj_amt_1-, :pv_bel_amt_1-, :pv_bv_bel_amt_1-, :pv_lic_bel_cur_amt_1-, :pv_lic_bel_pt_amt_1-, :pv_lic_ra_cur_amt_1-, :pv_lic_ra_pt_amt_1-
from load_process;
select count(1) into :update_cnt
from load_process;
%macro update_pvcf;
%if &update_cnt. >= 1 %then %do;
%do i = 1 %to &update_cnt.;
proc sql;
update &out_dataset_aoc.
set PV_RSK_ADJ_AMT = 1
where &concat_full_aoc. = "&&key_&i..";
%update_pvcf; What could be wrong here? the Macro Variable couldn't resolve in the Where statement? I tried quote and unquote but it still won't work. H
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