I am a friendly and articulate statistician with a unique combination of strengths in statistics, business, chemistry, public speaking, biology, and writing. I specialize in data mining and machine learning, and I complement this core skill set with proven accomplishments in market analysis, scientific research, technology commercialization, biochemistry, teaching, biology, technical writing and business writing.
I currently work as a Biostatistical Analyst at the British Columbia Cancer Agency (BCCA) in Vancouver. I use statistics to study how treatments, especially surgeries, are affecting cancer patients in British Columbia. Before joining the BCCA, I worked at the British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS and at Predictum, a statistics and analytics consulting company.
I share my passion about statistics and chemistry via my blog, The Chemical Statistician, and via Twitter @chemstateric. My blog is syndicated by StatsBlogs and R-Bloggers, the 2 largest statistics blog aggregators on the Internet, and my posts are regularly featured in online communities like AnalyticBridge and LinkedIn.
I have been an active volunteer in the statistical community in Toronto and Vancouver. I speak regularly at industrial seminars on statistics and analytics, where I share my passion and knowledge about machine learning, data mining and statistical computing. In addition, I was an executive member of both the Toronto Applied Biostatistics Association (TABA) and the Southern Ontario Regional Association (SORA) of the Statistical Society of Canada (SSC), for which I organized seminars on biostatistics and business analytics, respectively.
I obtained my Master's degree in statistics at the University of Toronto, and I obtained my Bachelor's degree with a major in chemistry and a minor in mathematics at Simon Fraser University.
I specialize in the following areas:
- machine learning
- data mining
- statistical computing
- applied statistics
- mathematical statistics
I have experience with the following languages and software packages:
- SAS Enterprise Miner
- JMP Scripting Language
- R
- MATLAB/Octave
- LaTeX
I also have background in the following areas:
- teaching in statistics, math and science
- applied mathematics
- numerical analysis
- scientific computing
- chemistry (environmental, nuclear, organic, analytical)
- physiology
- technology commercialization
- market analysis
- media relations
- business writing
- career counselling
- learning skills counselling
In my current role at the British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, I will learn more about
- genetics
- bioinformatics
- proteomics