Hello I would like to get all the references from a text file in Var2 that match Wyoming or WY. I did right a routine that grabs WY specific items in VAR1 that substr(var1, 5, 7) = "WY"; This will grab most but not all of the files are consistent. So I would like to match things from the text field with the words wyoming, wy and etc. See example. And no Wyoming does not have a consistent place or structure in the text files. Sometimes it is middle and sometimes at the end of Var2. Var1 Var2 Var3 VAR4 Var5 Last Updated A\U\AUD10MD156N.csv 10-Month London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), based on Australian Dollar % D NSA 2013-05-15 G\B\GBP10MD156N.csv 10-Month London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), based on British Pound % D NSA 2013-05-15 C\A\CAD10MD156N.csv 10-Month London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), based on Canadian Dollar % D NSA 2013-05-15 D\K\DKK10MD156N.csv 10-Month London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), based on Danish Krone (DISCONTINUED SERIES) % D NSA 2013-04-10 E\U\EUR10MD156N.csv 10-Month London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), based on Euro % D NSA 2013-05-15 J\P\JPY10MD156N.csv 10-Month London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), based on Japanese Yen % D NSA 2013-05-15 N\Z\NZD10MD156N.csv 10-Month London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), based on New Zealand Dollar (DISCONTINUED SERIES) % D NSA 2013-03-07 S\E\SEK10MD156N.csv 10-Month London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), based on Swedish Krona (DISCONTINUED SERIES) % D NSA 2013-04-10 C\H\CHF10MD156N.csv 10-Month London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), based on Swiss Frank % D NSA 2013-05-15 U\USD10MD156N.csv 10-Month London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), based on U.S. Dollar % D NSA 2013-05-15 D\T\DTP10J22.csv 10-Year 0-1/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 1/15/2022 % D NSA 2013-05-15 D\T\DTP10J23.csv 10-Year 0-1/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 1/15/2023 % D NSA 2013-05-15 D\T\DTP10L22.csv 10-Year 0-1/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 7/15/2022 % D NSA 2013-05-15 D\T\DTP10L21.csv 10-Year 0-5/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 7/15/2021 % D NSA 2013-05-15 D\T\DTP10L20.csv 10-Year 1-1/4% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 7/15/2020 % D NSA 2013-05-15 T\P\TP10L20.csv 10-Year 1-1/4% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 7/15/2020 % M NSA 2013-05-01
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