Hello, I have SAS Add-In 8 installed for Excel 2016. On an Excel 2016 workbook, I have several worksheets which source SAS Datasets, see a picture below for a cropped example of one particular dataset. Elsewhere in the workbook, I have cells with formulas that refer to the SAS dataset via a table reference. For example, the formula reads: =SUMIFS(RUS20_SOLAR[LFS20_SolarOutput_kW],RUS20_SOLAR[Cooperative],Input!$B$1,RUS20_SOLAR[year],'Exhibit 15'!$A10,RUS20_SOLAR[month],'Exhibit 15'!B$7) Where RUS20_SOLAR is the name of the table in Excel and is the SAS dataset pictured. I seek to replace the SAS datasets with new SAS datasets (as an example, replace RUS20_SOLAR with a new dataset but having the same column structure) while maintaining the same formula reference. When I attempt to do this manually I try two options: First, I attempt to replace the RUS20_Solar table with my intended dataset by placing it in the location of the RUS20_Solar table (see picture). However, after clicking OK, I am given an error, "The specified output location already contains content. Please select a different location." The second option is I go to Manage Content and delete the table. As soon as it is deleted, the formula becomes: =SUMIFS(#REF!,#REF!,Input!$B$1,#REF!,'Exhibit 15'!$A10,#REF!,'Exhibit 15'!B$7) indicating the references to the RUS20_Solar table have been lost. Is there a workaround to this? Let me know if I can clarify. I appreciate any feedback and assistance. Thank you.
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