Hi every one, I am a new SAS user and trying to calculate RR of binary outcome using log Poisson distribution. But my model didn't converge even after specifying the convergence option as follow; Proc format; value WDP_Terttile 0='T1' 1='T2' 2='T3' ; Proc genmod descending data = Biomark.bloodprofile30 ; class WDP_Terttile muspgen income21cat rcig21_c rrrchalc21_c reduc21_c TVHrPerW CBMI21c codea; model TAG_status30=WDP_Terttile muspgen age21ffq income21cat rcig21_c rrrchalc21_c reduc21_c TVHrPerW CBMI21c LEnergy_kC/dist = poisson link=log lrci type3 converge=0.000000001; repeated subject = codea/ type = unstr; estimate 'T2 vs T1' WDP_Terttile -1 1 0 0/exp; estimate 'T3 vs T1' WDP_Terttile -1 0 1 0/exp; estimate 'Female vs Male' muspgen -1 1 /exp; estimate 'Age at 21' age21ffq 1 /exp; estimate 'Middle vs High' income21cat -1 1 0 /exp; estimate 'Low vs High' income21cat -1 0 1 /exp; estimate 'smokers vs None' rcig21_c -1 1 /exp; estimate 'moderate vs light' rrrchalc21_c -1 1 0 /exp; estimate 'heavy vs light' rrrchalc21_c -1 0 1 /exp; estimate 'Comp Highsch vs Post sec' reduc21_c -1 1 0 /exp; estimate 'Inc Highsch vs Post sec' reduc21_c -1 0 1 /exp; estimate '2-4h vs < 2h' TVHrPerW -1 1 0 /exp; estimate '> 4h vs < 2h' TVHrPerW -1 0 1 /exp; estimate 'overweight vs Normal' CBMI21c -1 1 0 /exp; estimate 'Obese vs Normal' CBMI21c -1 0 1 /exp; estimate 'Energy' LEnergy_kC 1/exp; format WDP_Terttile WDP_Terttile.; run; Is there some one who could help me with this, please? I thank you in advance for your concern and time,
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