Hi guys, new SAS community member here! 😀 Lot's of good posts here, and I made my first post today myself, and after this I want to leave some feedback to the site creators on the topic of "tags" from my perspective as a new community member. Labels vs Message Tags confusion: As I'm posting my topic, I can add meta data to the post in form of "Labels" and "Message Tags". I'm not sure of the difference, and there were no explanation next to the inputs. It would have been nice with an explanation, and from my own perspective, I rather just tag "once". Tags not autocompleting and error when adding tags as I'm posting (but not editing): when I tried to add tags into the "Labels" input (and I tested the "Message Tags" input as well), there were no autocomplete on existing tags. IMO, this really discourages the use of tags, to the degree maybe there should be a note to the user you should not use Labels or Message Tags unless you have been instructed otherwise? When I tried to add a few tags as I was adding my post (security,git,github,saseg) I got this feedback as I was saving my post (had to remove them to save) Wanting to add some (helpful) tags, I viewed my post, and saw that you had an "Add Tags" button. trying out this one, I could add the tags that the forum system complained were not available before. There was no autocompletion here either, but I could add both existing and non-existing tags. I noticed enterprise guide tag and security tags existed, but I was apparently the first using the git tag. I think it would be nice if the SAS communities could support autocomplete on tags and if we could improve the messages to the posters on how to use this feature.
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