hi, any ideas how to modify a data set of pure text? I have a text file which need to be modified, it was imported all in one single column. The file has different section, each section end with end of xxx section data. An example of the file look like below a,b,c,d end of ppp section data 1,1,a,a,c,c 2,2,w,w,f,g end of qqq section data q,w,1,3,4,a,f,1 w,p,1,4,5,j,n,2 end of www section data I need to add some data when I see end of. for example, when there is "end of ppp section data", I want to add k,l,m,n. When there is "end of qqq section data", I want to add 9,9,q,s,d,v. Any ideas? Thank you.
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