Hi, thanks a lot for the helpful document (http://support.sas.com/techsup/technote/ts131.html) you mentioned to me. I am on the way to adapt the described procedure to our data and have some more questions: 1. Meaning und use of CONFIG and DIM The given example nr. 2 uses CONFIG = {2 3 4} und DIM = {2 3 2 4} for the variables school, sex, age and region. What do the 2, 3, 4 in the CONFIG-statement mean? Why does SAS know which variables are meant? What's about the order of the elements of CONFIG and DIM with regard to the INITAB matrix? The DIM_statement gives four dimensions whereas there are only three variables given in the CONFIG-statement. What's the reason for this? 2. In case of adjusting data from one source to two new margins specifying a model with main effects and two-factor-effects (CONFIG = {1, 2}) I got different results depending on the input matrix TABLE. I used the “greedy algorithm” and the “Get independent table from margins” to fill the matrix TABLE. The STATUS parameter showed that only two iteration steps were needed in both cases. What might be the reason for these different cell estimates depending on the input matrix TABLE? 3. Is there any possibility to test the goodness of fit of the obtained model or its parameters? Thanks! sasstat
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