My data has the following variables: SSN ($11) Inits ($4) City ($20) ZipCd (8) StateCd ($2) The following is the code I have: DATA WORK.XXX; SET YYY; IF State = 'IOWA' THEN StateCd = 'IA'; KEEP SSN -- ZipCd; KEEP StateCd; DROP Sex -- BirthDt; DROP State; Initials=CATS(Scan(Initials, -1, ','), SCAN(Initials, 1, ',')); RENAME Initials = Inits; City = PROPCASE(City); RUN; I am trying to change the 'ZipCd' variable from numeric to character as well as change the length from 8 to 5. I have tried a PUT function but due to the other statements in my code I am unsure on the placement of the PUT function that will allow these changes. Thank you!
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