Hello ; My problem is that the data string that I would like to put into a cell in excel is getting truncated. I have tried breaking the string up and using macro variables. But the complete string does not show up in the cell in excel,. The max length that I can generate is around 162 characters. I am sure that I am over looking something, but I am not sure what. Thank you for your help. options mprint mlogic symbolgen msglevel=i orientation = landscape nonumber nodate nofmterr ls=max lrecl=max ; This code goes to the proc report. Bring in the data etc. if name = "&name1 " then do ; col3 = "&length1 " ; col4 = "&formatB1 "; col5 = "&CTerm1" ; end ; if col6 = "Long text sting goes here" : end ; ods tagsets.EXcelXP options (sheet_name="&dsnme" frozen_headers='1' autofit_height = 'yes') file= "c:\sriprojects\&prjname\define_output\&dsnme..xml" style=minimal ; proc report data = &dsnme.E headline headskip split='|' missing style(header)=[backgroundcolor=white ]; column name label TypeC col3 col4 col5 col6 col7 col8 varnum ; define varnum / order=data noprint ; define name / display 'Variable Name' format= $20. STYLE(column)=[cellwidth=175 just=left vjust=top] style(header)=[font_weight=bold just=left vjust=top ]; define label / display 'Variable Label' format= $60. STYLE(column)=[cellwidth=175 just=left vjust=top] style(header)=[font_weight=bold just=left vjust=top ]; define typeC / display 'Type' format= $10. STYLE(column)=[cellwidth=175 just=left vjust=top] style(header)=[font_weight=bold just=left vjust=top ]; define col3 / display 'Length' format= $10. STYLE(column)=[cellwidth=100 just=left vjust=top] style(header)=[font_weight=bold just=left vjust=top ]; define col4 / display 'Format ' format= $100. STYLE(column)=[cellwidth=100 just=left vjust=top] style(header)=[font_weight=bold just=left vjust=top ]; define col5 / display 'Controlled Terms ' format= $100. STYLE(column)=[cellwidth=175 just=left vjust=top] style(header)=[font_weight=bold just=left vjust=top ]; define col6 / display 'Origin' format= $100. STYLE(column)=[cellwidth=175 just=left vjust=top] style(header)=[font_weight=bold just=left vjust=top ]; define col7 / display 'Role' format= $100. STYLE(column)=[cellwidth=175 just=left vjust=top] style(header)=[font_weight=bold just=left vjust=top ]; define col8 / display 'Comments' format= $100. STYLE(column)=[cellwidth=175 just=left vjust=top] style(header)=[font_weight=bold just=left vjust=top ]; run ; ods tagsets.EXcelXP close; ods listing ;
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