Here's some detailed instructions on how to configure NFS readahead (on RHEL 8.3) as this might not be obvious. 1) Create /etc/udev/rules.d/99-nfs.rules to include: SUBSYSTEM=="bdi", ACTION=="add", PROGRAM="/bin/awk -v bdi=$kernel 'BEGIN{ret=1} {if ($4 == bdi) {ret=0}} END{exit ret}' /proc/fs/nfsfs/volumes", ATTR{read_ahead_kb}="15380" 2) Once the file is in place, issue the udevadm reload command to effectuate the rule: # udevadm control --reload 3) Note: the change is not dynamic, only volumes mounted after the udev rule is applied will get the new readahead value applied. In other words, unmount and remount the NFS volumes (or reboot the system) for the changes to take effect.
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