I am having an issue when trying to create a scatter plot in SAS studio. The issue only occurs when I add labels to the observations in the scatter plot. As you will see in the screenshots below, the graph works perfectly fine when there are no labels, but when I add labels to the graph the x-axis gets condensed to the left side of the graph. Any help with this issue would be appreciated. No Labels Code: ods graphics / reset width=6.4in height=4.8in imagemap; proc sgplot data=WORK.GOOGLETRENDS; title height=14pt "Relationship Between Scientific Literacy and Conspiracy Search Frequency by Country"; scatter x=PISAsciencenum y=Conspiracyallnum; xaxis min=300 max=600 grid label="PISA Scientific Literacy Score"; yaxis grid label="Conspiracy Search Frequency"; run; ods graphics / reset; Labels Code: ods graphics / reset width=6.4in height=4.8in imagemap; proc sgplot data=WORK.GOOGLETRENDS; title height=14pt "Relationship Between Scientific Literacy and Conspiracy Search Frequency by Country"; scatter x=PISAsciencenum y=Conspiracyallnum /datalabel=country; xaxis min=300 max=600 grid label="PISA Scientific Literacy Score"; yaxis grid label="Conspiracy Search Frequency"; run; ods graphics / reset; Here is a snapshot of the data structure: Any help would be appreciated.
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