Tom Yes. I have all of the available files on my PC sent to me from my collaborator, including the data. The files do not open in the SAS free online viewer. I can open them in the text reader and can see some description of what the file is at the beginning. Below that info, the rest of most of the files is a series of various irrelevant characters. I am sure that one file called rec123.ssd is the full data from the study which is 3521 patients with 287 variables per patient because the top info lists that and then I can see the variable names all appearing throughout the file in the txt reader. There are a bunch of .sfn files that show the variable names and how they are coded. Here is what one of the files called rec123.log says: 1 The SAS System 21:28 Friday, May 15, 1998 NOTE: Copyright (c) 1989-1996 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. NOTE: SAS (r) Proprietary Software Release 6.12 TS020 Licensed to UNIVERSITY OF IOWA, Site 0001386002. NOTE: Running on DEC Model 4000 MODEL 610 Serial Number 80000000. Welcome to the new SAS Information Delivery System, Release 6.12. Preventive Medicine - State Health Registry University of Iowa - Iowa City, Iowa 1 options nocenter nofmterr; 2 libname castos '[]'; NOTE: Libref CASTOS was successfully assigned as follows: Engine: V5 Physical Name: PMSYS$DKA100:[TORNER.CASTOS.DATA] 3 4 data rec123; set castos.rec123; Then there is a list of Note: Format CENTER is unknown. and it says this for basically all 250+ variables. and ends with: NOTE: Format FCDO is unknown. NOTE: The data set WORK.REC123 has 3521 observations and 287 variables. 5 proc contents; 6 run; NOTE: The PROCEDURE CONTENTS printed pages 1-6. 7 NOTE: SAS Institute Inc., SAS Campus Drive, Cary, NC USA 27513-2414 This is the header info of rec123.ssd: d ˆ |™ ø Á DISK d tô{ SAS REC123 DATA 5.18 VMS A BOOK! WHISPER 09APR89:19:49:3309APR89:19:49:33DATA - followed by the variable names interspersed with improperly converted characters and symbols. Thanks. R. Loch Macdonald
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