I have a variable, NSAT_M, that lists SAT scores. However, for those who are missing SAT scores, 'N/A' was entered into this variable column. Thus, when I imported the Excel into SAS, it identified NSAT_M as a character variable. I was able to use the DELETE statement to remove any observations with the 'N/A' value in the NSAT_M field, but this does not solve my problem of NSAT_M still being considered a character variable. Is there a way for me to change the variable to numeric, even though those 'N/A' entries still exist in the original file? From what I've found online so far, this isn't possible. I realize that the easy way to do this would be to remove any 'N/A's from the original Excel file and then reimport it to SAS so that it's automatically characterized as a numeric variable, but (for some reason) my supervisor is telling me I need to figure out a way to do this directly in SAS without altering the Excel file. Any help would be appreciated!
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