Hi Guys. Thanks for all informations, i really appreciate it. Indeed, i am in the same position. I need to connect with a proc http to return Access Token via REST API... With Potstman, i get the acess token without problem : Method : POST URL : "https://services-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/token" Passing information in the body : client_id=XXXX; client_secret = XXXX; Grant_type = client_credentials Headers : Content-Type = application/x-www-form-urlencoded Authorisation : Type = OAUTH 2.0 Request Header. In SAS, i met some difficulties. I tried to use the code mentioned above. Unfornutally, i have a bad request with a invalid_client resp. filename resptkn temp; filename headers temp; proc http method="POST" url="https://services-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/token" ct="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" in='client_id=XXXX&client_secret=XXXX&grant_type=client_credentials' headerout=headers out=resptkn HEADEROUT_OVERWRITE ; run; >>> {"error":"invalid_client"} I used this proc to connect SAS with GA api or salesforce and i didnt' met issu.. Do you have an idea ? Thanks in advance for your help.
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