Hello, I have a program that takes7 validation reports and exports them into an xlsx file on my sas unix folder. I didn't include it in here but the but the SAS program then attaches the excel file in an email and sends out to a group. Just a general question - how would I change the program to instead format each tab using SAS ODS to make it look cleaner and then export to a file on my windows directory? Here is the code I currently use %LET VALRPRTS = TMSHT_VAL_1,TMSHT_VAL_2,TMSHT_VAL_3,TMSHT_VAL_4,TMSHT_VAL_5,TMSHT_VAL_6,TMSHT_VAL_7; %MACRO VALIDATION_REPORTS; %DO I=1 %TO %SYSFUNC(COUNTW(%BQUOTE(&VALRPRTS),%STR(,))); %LET NXTREPRT = %SCAN(%BQUOTE(&VALRPRTS),&I); /* EXPORT THE RESULTS TO THE SAS GLOBAL DIRECTORY FOLDER */ PROC EXPORT DATA=WORK.&NXTREPRT OUTFILE="/sas/data/Law_Grp_Risk_Rv/shared/23-Risk_review/2_Libraries/RRGGLBL/RRG_VAL_FNL.XLSX" DBMS=XLSX REPLACE; SHEET="&NXTREPRT"; RUN; %END; %MEND VALIDATION_REPORTS;
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