I'm trying to use the intnx function to define someone's end date on a promotional offer. The start date variable that I'm reading is numeric so the calculation works, however it's not reading in the dates how I want to. For example, a value in my start date variable is 201707, which I want to read in as July 2017. However, it's giving me the month equivalent of what that number represents, so 251204 (April 2512). How can i read the number in as the corresponding month? data test; set month_calc (keep=campaign_YYYYMM bt_duration vintage); campaign_YYYYMM2 = campaign_YYYYMM; format campaign_YYYYMM2 yymmn.; bt_expiry_month = intnx('month',campaign_YYYYMM2,bt_duration); format bt_expiry_month yymmn.; run;
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