Hi there!
I'm trying to model ordinal data and I'm not sure how to do it. What I try to do is called in vet epidemiology a continuation-ratio model, which relates the probability of being in a category to the probability of being in any lower category. I would then produce a complete set of coefficients for each of the categories above the baseline.
I'm not sure I have the right approach to do this... because it does not seem to give me the results by categories as I expect...
proc glimmix data=Qu_c method=quad (initpl=5 qpoints=7) plots=residualpanel;
class no_ferme type_lit(ref="0") type_stab(ref="2") Epais_lit(ref="0")pis ;
model pis = type_lit type_stab Epais_lit/ dist=mult link=clogit solution or;
random intercept / subject=no_ferme;
estimate " RMS Vs straw" type_lit 1 -1/ or;
pis= hygiene score of the udder (1, 2, 3, or 4)
type_lit= my main predictor (0, 1)
type_stab (0, 1) and Epais_lit (0, 1) are covariates
I don't know if SAS grammary for the type of model I try to realize is different than how the model is called in my books...
So.... thank you for your advices!:)
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