Example code PROC APPEND BASE=CSM_RET.CAMPAIGN_HISTORY_ECM_BACKUP DATA=CAMPAIGN_HISTORY_16Dec19 FORCE; RUN; SAS LOG NOTE: Appending WORK.CAMPAIGN_HISTORY_16DEC19 to CSM_RET.CAMPAIGN_HISTORY_ECM_BACKUP. NOTE: There were 125756 observations read from the data set WORK.CAMPAIGN_HISTORY_16DEC19. NOTE: 125756 observations added. NOTE: The data set CSM_RET.CAMPAIGN_HISTORY_ECM_BACKUP has . observations and 10 variables. NOTE: PROCEDURE APPEND used (Total process time): This code is being run locally and is submitted to a SQL database. Can anyone advise why this is happening and alternatives code? I have been running a data set proceedure previously but due to the size of the data set (1637525 observations). I was looking to used an alternative function and I had hoped proc append would be the solution. Thanks in advance
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