Hi folks, i am strugling to update one table that i am currently being able to import into the database that i am working. I am pretty naive in SAS programming, am i missing something? Just so you guys can understand, i am being able to connect to this database from other company, import some data files, work on these files doing data management, and finally i am being able to import it back. The thing is, now that i have the script built to manage the data, they will update their database every week, therefore i want to update my final ile that i am importing back to the database weekly as well. however, when i try to do this SAS shows a error message saying that the table is already there. If i use a different name i can import a new table without problem, i just want to avoid exporting a new table every week with a differentt name ( it will be 52 different tables after 1 year). What do you guys think, is there any easy way to update the whole table ( it's big...almost 4000 rows and 300 columns), or is there any way to exclude the old one and import a new one with the same name? Sorry for my dumbs questions... i have the code below that i am using to import my final table back into the database. /* CONNECTION TO THE LIBRARY to work on the data*/ libname mariadb ODBC dsn=mariadb user="x_x" password=y_y; /* exporting final file back into the library*/ data set mariadb.Tablefinal; set work.Table1; run;
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