Hi I am running this code but in the lines where I am ask to Replace the texts I can't seems to get it.....Not sure If i'm doing the right thing Just need some assistance in getting this code done ASAP!! Any help is appreciated DATA WORK.BAKERYSALES ; INFILE '/home/emilymoore20/EPG194/output/myTestFolder/BSA570v4_Week4_assignment_data.txt' DELIMITER = '|' MISSOVER DSD LRECL=32767 FIRSTOBS=2 ; /* REPLACE THIS COMMENT TEXT TO ANSWER THE QUESTION: INFORMAT statements do what? */ INFORMAT strDate $30. ; INFORMAT product best32. ; INFORMAT sales nlnum32. ; /* REPLACE THIS COMMENT TEXT TO ANSWER THE QUESTION: FORMAT statements do what? */ FORMAT strDate $30. ; FORMAT product best12. ; FORMAT sales nlnum12. ; INPUT strDate $ product sales ; DATA new; SET bakerysales; dateSlashFinder=FIND(strDate,"/"); dateCommaFinder=INDEX(strDate, ','); FORMAT productSales COMMA20.; FORMAT productName $30.; FORMAT date MMDDYY10.; /* REPLACE THIS COMMENT TEXT TO ANSWER THE QUESTION: What is the if/else statement accomplishing? Your answer should be specific and complete, and describe (among other things) the purpose of the DO loop.*/ IF dateCommaFinder = 0 THEN DO date = input(strDate,MMDDYY10.); FORMAT date MMDDYY10.; day = day(date); mnth=month(date); year=year(date); END; ELSE DO date3 = SUBSTR(strDate, dateCommaFinder+2); dateSpaceFinder=INDEX(date3, ' '); month = SUBSTR(date3, 1, dateSpaceFinder); SELECT (month); WHEN ('January') mnth=01; WHEN ('February') mnth=02; WHEN ('March') mnth=03; WHEN ('April') mnth=04; WHEN ('May') mnth=05; WHEN ('June') mnth=06; WHEN ('July') mnth=07; WHEN ('August') mnth=08; WHEN ('September') mnth=09; WHEN ('October') mnth=10; WHEN ('November') mnth=11; WHEN ('December') mnth=12; OTHERWISE mnth=.; END; day = INPUT(SUBSTR(date3,dateSpaceFinder+1,2),2.); year = INPUT(SUBSTR(date3,dateSpaceFinder+5,4),4.); date = MDY(mnth,day,year); END; /* REPLACE THIS COMMENT TEXT TO ANSWER THE QUESTION: What is the following section accomplishing? */ productSales = INPUT(TRIM(sales), COMMA20.); SELECT (product); WHEN (1) productName='Breakfast bar'; WHEN (2) productName='Cookie bar'; WHEN (3) productName='Savory meal bar'; OTHERWISE productName=.; END; RUN; /* REPLACE THIS COMMENT TEXT TO ANSWER THE QUESTION: What is the following section accomplishing? */ PROC TABULATE DATA = new FORMAT=DOLLAR11. STYLE={BACKGROUND=WHITE FOREGROUND=BLUE JUST=CENTER}; CLASS productName year mnth; VAR productSales; KEYLABEL ALL='Totals'; TABLE productName = '' ALL, ((year='Year'*mnth='Month' ALL)*productSales='' *SUM=''); RUN;
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