Hello, I have a table with the history of insured persons by contract. For example, the A contract have 2 insured persons valid. CONTRACT_NUMBER RANK NAME_RANK STATUS SUBSCRIPTION_DATE CANCELLATION_DATE BIRTHDAY_MAIN_INSURED A 1 main insured removed 01/10/2005 20/01/2007 01/05/1976 B 1 main insured valid 01/01/2019 15/09/1955 B 2 spouse valid 01/06/2019 15/09/1955 C 1 main insured valid 01/01/2019 04/07/1982 C 2 spouse valid 01/01/2019 04/07/1982 D 1 main insured valid 01/03/2009 02/08/1944 D 2 spouse removed 01/05/2010 15/09/2018 02/08/1944 I have a 2nde table with the amount of contributions : Age Individual_Membership Collective_Membership Until 29 years old 8 44,8 From 30 to 65 years old included 22,4 44,8 From 66 to 70 years old included 27,2 54,4 From 70 34 68 I want to know the amount of the contributions of each contract for each year. If a contract has only one insured then the amount is in the column "Individual_Membership" otherwise in the column "Collective_Membership". if the contract starts in "individually" in the year and ends in "collective" then it is necessary to prorate the amounts. The transition to the senior slice is 01/01 of the following year My final table : CONTRACT_NUMBER YEAR AMOUNT A 2005 2,02 A 2006 8 A 2007 1,23 B 2019 9,23 + 26,27 = 35,5 C 2019 44,8 D 2009 18,78 D 2010 8,94 + 36,52 = 45,46 D 2011 54,4 D 2012 54,4 D 2013 54,4 D 2014 54,4 D 2015 68 D 2016 68 D 2017 68 D 2018 48,07 + 9,97 = 58,04 D 2019 34 Thank you very much for your help
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