Hello, I have data that I am creating a Loess graph, that is categorized into two groups by cortisol median. I am trying to change the CLM colors from the default red and blue, and want them to match the color of the trendline and data points. I have identified how to change the CLM colors to the same color, but am not sure how to make them two different colors. Can anyone help? This is the code: ods graphics on / width=6in;
ods graphics on / height=6in;
proc sgplot data=loess_data_ln aspect=1;
Where rankcategory=175 & depanx=1 & hormone=1 & gender=0;
LOESS Y=meanscore X=hormonemean_ln /group=cortisolmedian smooth=0.9 alpha=0.05 CLMattrs=(CLMFILLATTRS=(color=pink transparency=0.35)) degree=1 clm;
XAXIS grid label ="Testosterone, pg/mL" LABELATTRS=(family=arial size=12)min=2 max=5 valueattrs=(family=arial size=12pt) ;
YAXIS grid label="CDI-2 Mean Score" LABELATTRS=(family=arial size=12 ) valueattrs=( family=arial size=12pt) max=90 ;
styleattrs datacontrastcolors=(VLIGB VIGB) datalinepatterns=(1)
datasymbols=(circlefilled) ;
keylegend/ title=" " valueattrs=( family=arial size=12pt) ;
format cortisolmedian cortisolmedianfmt. depanx depanxfmt. hormone hormonefmt.;
title " " ;
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