Good evening everyone, I am trying to calculate 3-day-window (Day -1,Day 0, Day +1) market-adjusted buy-and-hold return with CRSP data. I checked several posts which had a similar topic to mine but still can't figure out how to do it. My data are as below: TICKER DATE RET VWRETX AAAP 2007/05/01 0.033 -0.0173 AAAP 2007/05/02 0.021 0.00147 AAAP 2007/05/03 -0.01 0.00165 AAAP 2007/05/04 0.016 0.03 AAAP 2007/05/05 0.023 0.045 AAAP 2007/05/06 -0.005 0.004 AAPL 2007/05/01 -0.056 0.0014 AAPL 2007/05/02 0.029 -0.007 AAPL 2007/05/03 0.1 -0.00016 AAPL 2007/05/04 0.001 0.045 AAPL 2007/05/05 -0.0821 0.0018 AAPL 2007/05/06 0.005 0.065 RET = stock return, and VWRETX = market return. And the formula is: { [(1+RET) of day -1]*[(1+RET) of day 0]*[(1+RET) of day +1] - { [1+VWRETX) of day -1]*[1+VWRETX) of day 0]*[1+VWRETX) of day +1] } Also, I want to set each day as day 0 so that I can get buy-and-hold return for each day (somewhat similar to moving average). How can I do that? Any advice or comment will be highly appreciated. Thank you!
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