Hi there This is my first post so apologies if I'm missing anything. I'm doing a survival analysis and one of the tasks I wish to do is to estimate survival curves for males and females after controlling for age. My mean age is 39.93673111. First I create a dataset of covariate values in the data step. Each row contains a set of covariate values for which I would like a survival plot. data control;
input Sex$6. Age;
Female 39.93673111
Male 39.93673111
run; I thus get a dataset called “control” with 2 rows of covariates Next, I utilize the following SAS Code to run my plot proc phreg data = Survival plots(overlay)=(survival);
class Sex;
model Time*Event(0) = Sex Age;
baseline covariates=control out=base / rowid= Sex;
run; However, I get the following error "ERROR: Variable Sex in WORK.CONTROL does not have the same format as in the input data." I checked and my format, Length, and variable type are the same between the "Control" dataset and my "Survival" dataset for Age and Sex. Is there anything wrong with my code? Thanks!
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