just tried it on 9.4 and no, it won' trunc the name. SAS would still give you the error msg same as in the OP. https://go.documentation.sas.com/?cdcId=pgmsascdc&cdcVersion=9.4_3.4&docsetId=acpcref&docsetTarget=p0jf3o1i67m044n1j0kz51ifhpvs.htm&locale=en according to 9.4 documentation, "When importing Microsoft Access database tables,SAS/ACCESS converts the table name to a SAS member name. Note that SAS does not support member names longer than 32 bytes." So my understanding is it doesn't matter how many characters it supports for MS Access table name, because SAS has to convert it into a SAS member, restriction for SAS member name will apply, too.
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