Hi all, I already have a %macro statement so that I only have to enter the beginning year and month, and also end year and end month I want everytime I want to run the file. However, I was facing a problem in the proc sql code. The code is correct but I want it to be inside the loop that depends on the beginning and end date I set. There are 4 different proc sql codes below, I want the code that highlighted in orange to be variable that depends on the date I set. For Ex, the beg date I set here is 201812 and the end date is 201902, For the first and second proc sql code,i want it to be run 3 times but different accmth_fy which is 1,2 and 3 (since there is 3 months from 201812 to 201902) For the third ans forth proc sql code, I want the code to run 3 times .Not only pl201812.POLA_clm_agg_201812 but also (pl201901.POLA_clm_agg_201901) and (pl201890.POLA_clm_agg_201902). which is 3 months also. It is impossible for me to list down all the same code for these 4 different proc sql if the beginning date I set is 201812 until the end date which is 201911. that will be total of 44 codes for my 4 different proc sql. AND, the code must be work for if I only set for one month, if I set the beginning date and end date is the same. For Ex : 201812. How can I loop for the proc sql since I already have %macro in my code? %macro date(Beg_YYYY=2018, Beg_MM=12,End_YYYY=2019,End_MM=02,Val_YYYY=2019,Val_MM=02);%global accYR accMTH; %if &End_MM = 12 %then %do; %let accYR=%eval (End_YYYY+1) %let accMTH = %eval(&End_MM + 1); %end; %else %do; %let accYR = &End_YYYY; %let accMTH = %eval(&End_MM+1); %end; libname pl&Val_YYYY&MM. "\\kaiwksgh415thw5\Data\POLA\Claim\&Val_YYYY\&Val_YYYY&MM\DBF"; Data pl&Val_YYYY&MM..POLA_clm_month_&Val_YYYY&MM.; set pl&Val_YYYY&MM..POLA_clm_agg_&Val_YYYY&MM.; where accyr_fy=&accYR. & accmth_fy<=&accMTH.; /***financial basis***/ dev11yr_fy=min(accyr_fy-lossyr_fy,11); run; PROC FORMAT; value $ class 'VEH'='1' 'FIR'='2' 'GMS'='3' 'BON'='3' 'HUL'='3' 'PAC'='4' 'TEL'='5' 'WWC'='5' 'LIA'='6' 'CGO'='7' 'ENG'='8' ; RUN; /************************************************************/ PROC SQL; create table SMCD_PD AS SELECT put(zmajrsk,$class.) as class, dev11yr_fy,sum(zclmpd) AS zclmpd FROM pl201902.POLA_clm_month_201902 WHERE accmth_fy=1 /****FINANCIAL BASIS*****/ GROUP BY class,2; quit; ods html file="\\kaiwksgh415thw5\Data\POLA\Claim\2019\201902\result\SMCD_PD_Jan_10DY_201902.html" /********************************************************************/ PROC SQL; create table SMCD_PDNET AS SELECT put(zmajrsk,$class.) as class, dev11yr_fy,sum(zclmpdnet) AS zclmpdnet FROM pl201902.POLA_clm_month_201902 WHERE accmth_fy=1 GROUP BY class,2; quit; ods html file="\\kaiwksgh415thw5\Data\POLA\Claim\2019\201902\result\SMCD_PDNET_month_FY_10DY_201902.html" style=normal; proc print; run; /****************************************************************************/ libname pl201812 "\\kaiwksgh415thw5\Data\POLA\Claim\2018\201812\DBF"; Data pl201812.POLA_clm_agg_201812; set pl201812.POLA_clm_agg_201812; run; PROC SQL; create table SMCD_OS AS SELECT put(zmajrsk,$class.) as class, min(2019-lossyr_fy,11) as devyr,sum(zclmos) AS zclmos FROM pl201812.POLA_clm_agg_201812 GROUP BY class,2; quit; ods html file="\\kaiwksgh415thw5\Data\POLA\Claim\2019\201902\result\SMCD_OS_month_FY_10DY_201902.html" style=normal; proc print; run; /*****************************************************************/ PROC SQL; create table SMCD_OSNET AS SELECT put(zmajrsk,$class.) as class, min(2019-lossyr_fy,11) as devyr,sum(zclmosnet) AS zclmosnet FROM pl201812.POLA_clm_agg_201812 GROUP BY class,2; quit; ods html file="\\kaiwksgh415thw5\Data\POLA\Claim\2018\201812\result\SMCD_OSNET_month_FY_10DY_201812.html" style=normal; proc print; run; %mend date; %date(Beg_YYYY=2018, Beg_MM=12,End_YYYY=2019,End_MM=02,Val_YYYY=2019,Val_MM=.2); run;
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