Hello I am referring the ANOVA and regression tutorial by SAS, and here is the code the tutor has used for identifying for potential outlier/influential obs %let interval=Gr_Liv_area Basement_area Deck_porch_area Lot_area Age_sold Bedroom_abvGr Total_bathroom; ods select none; proc glmselect data=stat1.ameshousing3 plots=all; Stepwise model saleprice = &interval / selection=stepwise details=steps select=SL slentry=0.05 slstay=0.05; run; quit; ods select all; ods graphics on; ods output RSTUDENTBYPREDICTED=Rstud COOKSDPLOT=Cook DFFITSPLOT=Dffits DFBETASPANEL=Dfbs; proc reg data=stat1.ameshousing3 plots(only label)= (RSTUDENTBYPREDICTED COOKSD DFFITS DFBETAS); Siglimit: model salesprice=&_GLSIND; title 'siglimit model plots of diagnostics stats'; run; quit; My question how can I identify potential outlier and influential obs, if I am working with a binary dependent variable and using proc logistic. I have a binary dependent variable where a bad customer coded as 0 and good coded as 1. Can you please help. Thanks
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