My PDF code copies my graph titles from the previous page onto the next page's margin header. I would like to not have that happen, by retaining the graph title and does not duplicate it on the next page's margin header. Thanks! Abbreviated Code Below: ODS noproctitle;
ODS _all_ close;
ods listing close;
options papersize=A4 nodate;
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ods pdf file="C:\Exports\FILENAME.pdf" notoc startpage=no style=Printer;
ods graphics / height=6in;
ods escapechar ="~";
ods layout start;
ods region y=0in;
ods text="~{style [color=blue just=left font_size=16pt]Summary Report}";
ods region y=0in x=3in;
ods text="~{style [color=blue just=right font_size=12pt]Report date: %sysfunc(today(),mmddyy10.)}";
ods layout end;
ods pdf startpage=now;
ods layout start;
data tableview/view=tableview;
set merged_overall nobs=__nobs;
if _n_ gt __nobs-14;
ods region y=0in;
ods text="~{style [just=center font_size=14pt color=black]Table 1}";
ods region y=1in;
proc print data=tableview noobs label;
var admitdt1 Variable 2;
ods layout end;
ods startpage=now;
ods layout start;
ods region y=0in;
ods pdf text="~{style [just=center font_size=20pt color=black]OVERALL}";
ods region y=0.5in;
proc sgplot data=merged_overall (where=(&period));
title1 "Overall Trends";
title2 "Trendlines & 7-day Moving Averages";
series y=MovAv x=admitdt1 / legendlabel="Encounters" lineattrs=(color=blue pattern=solid thickness=2);
ods layout end;
ods startpage=now;
ods layout start;
ods region y=0in;
ods pdf text="~{style [just=center font_size=20pt color=black]ENCOUNTERS}";
ods region y=0.5in;
proc sgplot data=merged_gender (where=(&period)) dattrmap=attrmap;
title1 "Encounters by Gender";
title2 "Trendlines & 7-day Moving Averages";
yaxis label="Number of Encounters";
series y=MovAv x=admitdt1 / group=gender attrid=gender lineattrs=(pattern=solid thickness=2);
xaxis tickvalueformat=mmddyy8.;
ods layout end;
footnote ' ';
footnote2 height=11pt justify=left color=RoyalBlue "Note:";
run; title; footnote;
ODS pdf close;
ods listing;
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