Dear All, I am using the following SAS Syntax: proc glimmix data=dataForSAS_200_25_01_Modell1 method=quadrature empirical=classical; class cluster; model ach = / solution dist=normal ; random int/subject=cluster solution ; by rep; ods output ParameterEstimatesStart=parms; run; I am analyzing different datasets defined through the "by" statement. The different analyses performed well (and output for each dataset is provided), but when I want to summarize those results (ods output ParameterEstimatesStart=parms;), I get the following error message: WARNING: Output 'ParameterEstimatesStart' was not created. Make sure that the output object name, label, or path is spelled correctly. Also, verify that the appropriate procedure options are used to produce the requested output object. For example, verify that the NOPRINT option is not used. For my analyses, I am reffering to Appendix E from the paper Lee, S. (2015). Implementing a Simulation Study Using Multiple Software Packages for Structural Equation Modeling. SAGE Open, 5(3), 215824401559182. I assume I am missing a special code for the proc glimmix insted of proc calis (described in the paper). Does anybody know what I am doing wrong? I am using SAS 9.4. Thank you in advance for your support. I am looking forward to an answer. Kind regards, Julia
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