Thank you. This sounds good. However, if I use %rocplot macro to obtain a cut-off for the variable X at the highest Youden index, it comes out to be 12.1 instead of 11.5 (obtained from proc probit). The senstivity, specificity, and the highest Youden index are the same using %rocplot macro and proc probit. Only the cut-off of variable x is different. Any idea, why is it so? The sas code, I used for the %rocplot macro is as below: ods graphics on; proc logistic data = CAT ; class sex (ref='0'); model Diabetes_120_(event='1') = X age sex BMI / lackfit rsquare outroc=rocdata2; output out=pred2 p=pred2; roc ; run; ods graphics off; *I am only using variable X so as get a clear picture on the roc plot. However, the inroc data and predicted probabilities are from the adjusted model; %inc "Path of the %rocplot macro"; %rocplot("9.4", inpred = pred2,inroc = rocdata2, p = pred2, id = X _OPTY_ _sens_ _spec_ ,optcrit= youden, optsymbolstyle = size=13 color=red weight=bold)
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