SASKiwi is right. If you are using PC/SAS and submitting your remote jobs through the Display Manager, there is an icon on the task bar (a blue circle with a red exclamation point in it) which is your primary break key. Unfortunately, when extracting data from a DB it will not kill the job right away, if ever. If you really need to stop it, the only sure way is to go to Task Manager and kill the process. This means you don't get any feedback from the program but it will kill the program and right away.
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I think they have heard of BI but they don't have it. As far as I can tell (I've been here a whole two weeks) they are fortunate to have EG and SAS9.2. At any rate, we will muddle through. I am seeing some areas where my experience will be put to good use, at least in the areas of resource usage and code efficiency. I am introducing them to such far-flung ideas as compiled macro libraries, etc. Other than that, I carry the wood and stoke the fire so our steam-driven mainframe will continue to operate
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My bad, really. I don't think I spent enough time reading the article - I was busy trying to get a stubborn merge to run. In retrospect I think it provides what I need and I appreciate the help.
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thanks for the link, Fugue. It didn't exactly answer my immediate question but gave me a lot of good information, since we have EG (everybody has been using it except me - until now).
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The rule here is to create the programs on the PC (either EG or DSM) and submit them remotely to Linux. The programs I am working with use a lot of SAS Macros. My question is this: Should the macros be defined within rsubmit/endrsubmit blocks (i.e. on Linux)? Does it matter? I want to store the compiled versions of the macros but need to know which platform to put them on.
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