Hello, I need to solve the following problem. Have a non-linear function with many variables: y1=F(x1, x2,x3,x4). x2 variable - can take only four different values (30, ?, ?, 100). Initially x2 had array ( So the problem now is to go from (50,50, 100, 100) to (30, ?, ?, 100) and to find what would be ?, ? So, i need to change values of x2 from (50,50, 100, 100) to (30, ?, ?, 100) while remaining other things as before. Additional constraint is that another function, call it Y, for example, depends on y1 and other variables Y = F (y1, y2, y3,,). If i change y1, then Y will be changed too. i need that sum of Y will remain the same as if I use (50,50,100,100).
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