Hi there, these are the tasks I need to complete using SAS tasks. A template for the code I need to use to perform each task would be very helpful. Thanks in advance. 1) Import the data from air_pollution.csv to SAS (3) Weather in Beijing 2) Produce the frequencies of all values of combined wind direction (cbwd) (from most frequent to least frequent) (2) 3) What is the most frequently occurring wind direction? (1) 4) Calculate the correlation coefficient between temperature (TEMP) and pressure (PRES) (3) 5) Is the correlation positive or negative? What is its strength (very weak/weak/moderate/strong/very strong)? (2) How does air pollution vary over months? 6) Compute the descriptive statistics of pm2_5 by month (3) 7) On average, in which month is the pollution level highest, and in which month is it lowest? (2) Relationship between air pollution and weather 😎 Build a linear regression model where pm2_5 is a dependent variable, and month, DEWP, TEMP, PRES, cbwd, Iws, Is and Ir are independent variables (8) 9) What is the R-squared of this model? Based on the R-squared, does the model fit the data well? (4) 10) Create a new variable (high_pm2_5) that takes value 1 if pm2_5 is greater than 150 ug/m^3 and value 0 otherwise (3) 11) Develop a logistic regression model where high_pm2_5 is a dependent variable, and month, DEWP, TEMP, PRES, cbwd, Iws, Is and Ir are independent variables (8) 12) What is the AUC (c statistic) of this model? Based on the AUC, does the model separate high and low pollution levels well? (4) The worst smog in Beijing 13) Create a new data set (avg_air_pollution) and calculate an average pollution level (avg_pm2_5) for each month of each year. Select the variables year, month and avg_pm2_5 (10) 14) In which of the 60 analysed months was the average pollution level (avg_pm2_5) highest? This was the worst smog Beijing has experienced for over 50 years (2) 15) Based on the new data set, create a pdf report (highest_avg_air_pollution.pdf) that contains the list of those months in which the average pollution level (avg_pm2_5) was greater than 100 ug/m^3. Use the Moonflower style and add a title ("Months With Highest Average Air Pollution") (5)
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