I have the following code, and when I run it, it gives me the following output graph, but I want to adjust my histogram so that the x-axis shows the values of sum_dices from {2, 3, 4, …, 12} and the y-axis is the corresponding percent for each sum_dice (i.e {2.78, 5.56, 8.33, …, 2.78} ). I tried to do this by setting the binwidth to 1 but it did not really change anything to my understanding. I am new to SAS so I will appreciate any help you can provide me. Thank you! CODE: data auto; do dice1= 1 to 6; do dice2= 1 to 6; sum_dices = sum(dice1, dice2); output; end; end; proc freq data = auto; proc sgplot data = auto; histogram sum_dices/ nbins = 10 binwidth = 1 showbins scale= count datalabel=percent; run; OUTPUT:
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