Hi guys, I'm really struggling here. My file looks fine in UNIX but when I open it on my network drive it just contains "System.Byte[ ]". If someone could shed any light on why this may be that would be much appreciated. This is what I have so far @ChrisHemedinger # Example of how to use PowerShell to script the # SAS Integration Technologies client # You can connect to a remote SAS Workspace # and run a program, retrieve the SAS log and download a file # To use: change this script to reference your SAS Workspace # node name, port (if different), and user credentials # create the Integration Technologies objects $objFactory = New-Object -ComObject SASObjectManager.ObjectFactoryMulti2 $objServerDef = New-Object -ComObject SASObjectManager.ServerDef $objServerDef.MachineDNSName = "yournode.company.com" # SAS Workspace node $objServerDef.Port = 8591 # workspace server port $objServerDef.Protocol = 2 # 2 = IOM protocol # Class Identifier for SAS Workspace $objServerDef.ClassIdentifier = "440196d4-90f0-11d0-9f41-00a024bb830c" try { # create and connect to the SAS session $objSAS = $objFactory.CreateObjectByServer( "SASApp", # server name $true, $objServerDef, # built server definition "sasdemo", # user ID "Password1" # password ) } catch [system.exception] { Write-Host "Could not connect to SAS session: " $_.Exception.Message } # change these to your own SAS-session-based # file path and file name # Note that $destImg can't be > 7 chars $destPath = "/servedir/aves" $destFile= "Test" # local directory for downloaded file $localPath = "\network\drive" # program to run # could be read from external file $program = "Libname aves '/serverdir/aves'; Filename csv '$destPath/$destFile.csv'; Data _null_; Set aves.test; File csv dlm=','; Put (_all_) (+0); Run; # run the program $objSAS.LanguageService.Submit($program); # flush the log - could redirect to external file Write-Output "SAS LOG:" $log = "" do { $log = $objSAS.LanguageService.FlushLog(1000) Write-Output $log } while ($log.Length -gt 0) # now download the image file $fileref = "" # assign a Fileref so we can use FileService from IOM $objFile = $objSAS.FileService.AssignFileref( "img", "DISK", "$destPath/$destFile.csv", "", [ref] $fileref); $StreamOpenModeForReading = 1 $objStream = $objFile.OpenBinaryStream($StreamOpenModeForReading) # define an array of bytes [Byte[]] $bytes = 0x0 $endOfFile = $false $byteCount = 0 $outStream = [System.IO.StreamWriter] "$localPath\$destFile.csv" do { # read bytes from source file, 1K at a time $objStream.Read(1024, [ref]$bytes) # write bytes to destination file $outStream.Write($bytes) # if less than requested bytes, we're at EOF $endOfFile = $bytes.Length -lt 1024 # add to byte count for tally $byteCount = $byteCount + $bytes.Length } while (-not $endOfFile) # close input and output files $objStream.Close() $outStream.Close() # free the SAS fileref $objSAS.FileService.DeassignFileref($objFile.FilerefName) Write-Output "Downloaded $localPath\$destFile.csv:SIZE = $byteCount bytes" $objSAS.Close()
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