Dummy Data: MEMNAME _var1 var2 var3 var4 XY XYSTDAT_1 XYENDAT_2 XYXYDDAT_3 XYXYDAT_4 I am looking for 2 different out in 2 different macro variables within a datastep: 1st macro variable should have XYSTDAT 2nd macro variable should have TEST_XYSTDAT How do I assign value from this "strip(reverse(substr(strip(reverse(testcase(i))),3)));" to a macro variable? 1) %let x = strip(reverse(substr(strip(reverse(testcase(i))),3))); ------> will not work 2) b = strip(reverse(substr(strip(reverse(testcase(i))),3))); %let y = b; ----------------------> is not resolving either 3) %let z = TEST_&x. ----> Z resolves to TEST_strip(reverse(substr(strip(reverse(testcase(i))),3))) I am looking for a solution without using Call Symput (I get desired value with this), because I want to use the macro variable within the same datastep as the loop iterates. Appreciate your input! Thanks!
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