Hi I have been trying to generate a 2-panel plot with 18 lines. I would like to have a separate color for each of the lines and defined accordingly in the SAS Template. But I have been getting the following warning in the log and I was hoping that I could get some help on this: WARNING: Could not locate parent style element "Graphdata13" for element "mystyle.Graphdata13". WARNING: Could not locate parent style element "Graphdata14" for element "mystyle.Graphdata14". WARNING: Could not locate parent style element "Graphdata15" for element "mystyle.Graphdata15". WARNING: Could not locate parent style element "Graphdata16" for element "mystyle.Graphdata16". WARNING: Could not locate parent style element "Graphdata17" for element "mystyle.Graphdata17". Template: PROC TEMPLATE; define style mystyle; parent=styles.rtf; Style Header from Header / Background = white /*FONT_WEIGHT=medium*/; Style RowHeader from RowHeader / Background = WHITE /*FONT_WEIGHT=medium*/; style GraphFonts from graphfonts/ 'GraphDataFont' = ("Times New Roman",10pt, bold) 'GraphUnicodeFont' = ("Times New Roman",10pt, bold) 'GraphValueFont' = ("Times New Roman",8pt, bold) 'GraphLabelFont' = ("Times New Roman",6pt,bold) 'GraphFootnoteFont' = ("Times New Roman",10pt,normal) 'GraphTitleFont' = ("Times New Roman",10pt,bold) 'GraphAnnoFont' = ("Times New Roman",10pt, bold); CLASS GraphValueText /COLOR=BLACK; CLASS GraphDataText /COLOR=BLACK; CLASS GraphBorderLines/COLOR=BLACK; CLASS GraphAxisLines/ContrastColor=BLACK; CLASS GraphLabelText/COLOR=BLACK; CLASS GraphDataDefault/COLOR=BLACK ContrastColor=BLACK; CLASS GraphAnnoLine/ContrastColor=BLACK; CLASS GraphAnnoText/COLOR=BLACK; CLASS GraphConnectLine/ContrastColor=BLACK; %do i =1 %to &max; style Graphdata&i from Graphdata&i/ contrastcolor=&&color&i linestyle=&&line&i Markersymbol="&&symbol&i"; %end; style GraphError /LineThickness = 1px; class graphwalls / frameborder=on linestyle=1 linethickness=1px backgroundcolor=GraphColors("gwalls") contrastcolor= black; class graphaxislines / linestyle=1 linethickness=1px contrastcolor=black; class table/outputwidth=100%; replace Body from Document / textalign =center topmargin = 0.05 in bottommargin = 0.05 in rightmargin = 0.05 in leftmargin = 0.05 in; replace fonts / 'TitleFont' = ("Times New Roman",10pt,BOLD) 'TitleFont2' = ("Times New Roman",10pt,normal) 'StrongFont' = ("Times New Roman",10pt,BOLD) 'EmphasisFont' = ("Times New Roman",10pt,BOLD) 'FixedEmphasisFont' = ("Times New Roman",10pt,BOLD) 'FixedStrongFont' = ("Times New Roman",10pt,BOLD) 'FixedHeadingFont' = ("Times New Roman",10pt,BOLD) 'BatchFixedFont' = ("Times New Roman, Times New Roman",10pt) 'FixedFont' = ("Times New Roman",10pt) 'headingEmphasisFont' = ("Times New Roman",10pt,BOLD) 'headingFont' = ("Times New Roman",10pt,BOLD) 'docFont' = ("Times New Roman",10pt); class Table/ bordercollapse = separate backgroundcolor = colors('tablebg') BACKGROUND=_UNDEF_ textalign =center rules = all frame =BOX borderspacing =1 bordercolor = colors('tableborder') borderwidth =1 bordertopwidth=1 bordertopcolor=black borderbottomwidth=1 borderbottomcolor=black ; class Data / color = colors('datafg') backgroundcolor = colors('databg') textalign =center ; Style Systemfooter from Systemfooter / background=white borderbottomcolor=white bordertopcolor=black borderbottomwidth=2 background=_undef_ bordertopwidth=0 textalign = center font =fonts('TitleFont2') ; END; run; Thanks in advance
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