Hello all I am new to PROC MIXED and having a trouble understanding SAS Doc Example (Example 79.5 Random Coefficients) as referenced here. So in the first part of the example, we fit the following random intercept/slope model to the RC data with 'Batch' as the grouping (clustering) element: proc mixed data=rc;
class Batch;
model Y = Month / s;
random Int Month / type=un sub=Batch s;
run; And based on Output 79.5.3, we have 2 columns per each subject which translates to 6 random effects that are related to each other with a full unstructured format. This means that the G matrix is 6 by 6 and all of 36 elements are parameters to be estimated. But later on, when I look at Output 79.5.5, I can only find 4 of those estimates. So the question is what happened to other G parameter estimates and how I can retrieve those? Appreciate any words of wisdom anyone could share.
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