Hello, I am a beginner at using SAS University Edition and am unfamiliar with how to properly format my table in a way to meet the specific requirements of the "Binary Logistic Regression" function (i.e. number of events/trials). I currently have variables set up for patient ID number as well as visit number. I do not believe that those are sufficient to use for this step. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks -dylan
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Good afternoon, This is my first time dealing with longitudinal/panel data while using SAS. My data set has around 3,000 observations and each patient has at most 12 annual visits. I have patient ID numbers, visit dates, and visit numbers already in place. What are some useful procedures in analyzing the differences between final and initial visits of the patients? Thanks in advance!
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Hello, I am conducting an ANOVA using proc glm and was wondering about confidence interval. I do not mention CI in my code. Does that mean that it assumes 95%, or is another statement needed? proc glm data=sasdata.ptsd; class PTSD; model auditscore=PTSD; means PTSD; run; quit; Thanks
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Now that I figured out how to use proc t-test, I am running into this error- ERROR: The CLASS variable has more than two levels. Any advice? Thanks
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Good Afternoon, I am still new to SAS programming and I am having trouble figuring out how to conduct a basic T-Test. Any help is appreciated! Thanks, Dylan
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Hi, I was wondering if anybody could help me with a problem I encountered with if, then, else statements. data sasdata.new; set sasdata.auditvars3; if A1=11001101 then AI2=.; else AI2=A1; run; How would I do it if I needed A1=1001101 and A1=1100010 to both equal "." when put into the new A2 column. thanks
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