Re: What statement in the SAS University Edition editor will read and print a sas7bdat file? I am an entirely brand new learner on the SAS University Edition product. I have successfully written code in the code editor that reads and prints csv and text files (using INFILE/INPUT statements). However, my installation of this edition received various sas7bdat data files. I have a file (data.sas7bdata), which I have opened and read the data with the console's text reader. However, my code statements in the editor do not successfully read and print the data in the sas7bdata file. I did create a dataset, and the file's columns appear in the WORK library, but I receive errors saying "invalid data" in all my run logs, and no data is returned in the results tab. I also tried INFORMAT, but it also has not worked. What code statements does the SAS editor recognize to read and print an sas7bdat file? Thank you very much in advance for your consideration. CODE1: DATA fileinput2; INFILE '/folders/myfolders/Module3/somedata.sas7bdat'; INPUT @1 ID 8. @2 GP $8. @3 AGE 8. @4 TIME1 8. @5 TIME2 8. @6 TIME3 8. @7 TIME4 8. @8 STATUS 8. @9 SEX 8. @10 GENDER $6.; RUN; QUIT; CODE2: DATA fileinput2; INFILE '/folders/myfolders/Module3/somedata.sas7bdat'; INPUT ID 1-8 GP $ 9-16 AGE 17-24 TIME1 25-32 TIME2 33-40 TIME3 41-48 TIME4 49-56 STATUS 57-64 SEX 65-72 GENDER $ 73-78; RUN; Errors: "NOTE: The infile '/folders/myfolders/Module3/somedata.sas7bdat' is: Filename=/folders/myfolders/Module3/somedata.sas7bdat, Owner Name=root,Group Name=vboxsf, Access Permission=-rwxrwx---, Last Modified=01Jun2018:08:13:14, File Size (bytes)=9216 NOTE: Invalid data for ID in line 1 1-87. NOTE: Invalid data for AGE in line 1 157-160. NOTE: Invalid data for TIME1 in line 1 165-201. NOTE: Invalid data for TIME2 in line 1 203-1048. NOTE: Invalid data for TIME3 in line 1 1050-1477. NOTE: Invalid data for TIME4 in line 1 1480-1621. NOTE: Invalid data for STATUS in line 1 1624-1765. NOTE: Invalid data for SEX in line 1 1768-1837." Run Log attached.
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