Hi, I am using SAS Viya environment 3.2 [Viya release V03] enterprise edition, the product is install on Linux on multiple machines; one MAS, one is CAS, and six workers. I am not able to map a shared network drive to use as a data source. Here what I am doing: Going to SAS Visual Analytics > click on Data > click on Data Sources > click on cas-shared-default > click on Connect Under connection settings; enter Name, Server; cas-shared-default > Type; File System > Select source type; PATH Under settings [Specify the PATH connection information], \\san1\data When I click on Test Connection, I am getting the following error. [ The path specified for caslib Shared is not an absolute path:\\san1\data/. The action stopped due to errors. code:2-0-2640551 property: PERM_NOT_ABSOLUTE uri:/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs path:/SASDataExplorer/ui/datasources/validation tracedId:f343390a0c1409c3 ] Please let me know if anyone can lead to resolve this issue. Thanks.
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