As I said before, if you are unwilling to share your code, it is difficult to understand what you mean. For example, you say you want all the output "on the same tab"?? If you are using ODS HTML, then you would be getting HTML files, if you are using ODS PDF, then you would be getting a PDF file. I don't know what you mean by "tab". You might mean that you are creating output for Excel to open. In that case, it would be useful to know how you are creating your output -- PROC EXPORT?? ODS HTML?? ODS MSOFFICE2K?? ODS TAGSETS.EXCELXP?? Without code, there is no context for what you mean by "tab".
PROC REPORT will only deal with 1 dataset at a time. If you need data from 2 datasets -- and the datasets have the same variables (possibly you have 1 month's data in 1 dataset and another month's data in a second dataset), then you could "stack" both datasets together and use the month variable for BY group processing or PAGE processing in PROC REPORT.
When you say you are getting a "colored line and 3 blank rows" between your two PROC REPORTS, this sounds like the standard horizontal rule that is placed between tables when you use ODS HTML. That horizontal rule comes from the SAS style template. The way to get rid of it is to use a style template in your STYLE= option that does not have a horizontal rule. The ones I know about are: FESTIVAL, SEASIDE, MEADOW, PLATEAU.
ods html file=.... STYLE=PLATEAU;
...more code...
ods html close;
However, even if you use a STYLE template to alter the horizontal rule behavior, you will still have space between each table. The code below creates 2 different datasets -- for different schools and then creates a single dataset to use with PROC REPORT. With the Plateau style, I find that there is less of a gap between tables using the PAGE option versus using the BY statement -- with ODS HTML. Since I don't know what destination you are using, I am only speculating that switching to the PLATEAU style might work for you.
Again, if you are unwilling to share your code and describe more about your data (what is in the 2 different datasets), then you will have to open a track with Tech Support to see if they can provide more assistance.
data onefile;
length school $10;
infile datalines;
input school $ name $ age $;
Ridgemont alan 16
Ridgemont bob 17
Ridgemont carla 16
data otherfile;
length school $10;
infile datalines;
input school $ name $ age $;
Shermer xavier 16
Shermer york 17
Shermer zenobia 16
data allschools;
set onefile
proc sort data=allschools;
by school name;
title; ods listing close;
ods html file='c:\temp\html_plateau1.html' style=plateau;
** PROC REPORT with PAGE option. No titles to show just space;
** between tables;
proc report data=allschools nowd;
column ('1) PROC REPORT with PAGE' school name age);
define school / order;
define name / order;
define age / display;
break after school / page;
ods _all_ close;
ods html file='c:\temp\html_plateau2.html' style=plateau;
** PROC REPORT with BY option. No titles to show just space;
** between tables;
options nobyline;
proc report data=allschools nowd;
by school;
column ('2) PROC REPORT with BY groups' school name age);
define school / order;
define name / order;
define age / display;
options byline;
ods _all_ close;
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