I want to be able to create ODS graphs written to the ODS HTML destination and have the following happen: 1) The .png file is written to a different folder than the .html file 2) the graphs are named in a way that allows the user to easily identify which .png goes with which .html file 3) each time the program is run the .png and .html files are replaced This code accomplishes this fairly well -- %let outpath=Y:\Sandbox\Testing\Tools; ods graphics on / reset=index imagename="testing" ; ods html path="&outpath." gpath="&outpath.\png" (url="&outpath.\png\") file="testing.html"; proc sgplot data=sashelp.class noautolegend; scatter x=age y=height / markerattrs=(symbol=squarefilled color=green); run; ods html close; EXCEPT we have programmers who work in SAS 9.4 for Windows and other programmers who work in SAS EG Version 7.13 and when this exact code is run from SAS EG the .png files created are incremented one higher than the corresponding .png files when run from SAS 9.4. It appears that SAS 9.4 starts indexing at 0, but SAS EG Version 7.13 starts indexing at 1. Is there a way to control the indexing start point in either system?
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