Thank you I tried and the code doesn't work with the real input file (331 observations). So I tried with the code: proc tabulate data=input out=input2; class cat year; table cat='' all='Total', (Year='' all='Total')*(N colpctn); run; data input2; set input2; if _type_^='11' then delete; rename PCTN_01=Percentage; run; proc sort;by year cat; run; legend1 position=(right middle) across=1 shape=bar(.15in,.15in); axis1 label=none order=(0 to 100 by 20) minor=none offset=(0,0); axis2 label=none; v=solid color=cx9999ff; /* light blue */ v=solid color=cx993366; /* purplish */ v=solid color=cxffffcc; /* pale yellow */ title 1 "Graphic 1"; proc gchart data=input2; vbar year/ discrete /*type=sum*/ sumvar=percentage subgroup=cat/* this controls the coloring */ autoref clipref cref=graycc coutline=black width=8 space=3 raxis=axis1 maxis=axis2 inside=sum legend=legend1; run; ; The code seems to work but in the log I find the warning: WARNING: Some INSIDE= labels were not drawn due to space limitations. Thanks a lot for your help
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