Hi Folks I am working on a small automation of manual testing in SAS ,we primarily take data sets from different directories and validate the field in the data sets. so ihave taken two libraries in one sas code for example libname in1 "/path1" libname in2 "/path2" and saved them in test.sas and saved them in output library my output datasets in libraries will in the following format 1)test021318 2)testa021318 3)testb021318 in all libraries in1,in2 the names of datasets will be same but only paths will differ . so to make the testing process bit easier and generic i have written a small snippet like this %include "/path/output/" ;----where libraries are stored in one file %let x = %sysfunc(cats(test,%sysfunc(intnx(day,%sysfunc(today()),-1),mmddyy6.))); %let y = %sysfunc(cats(testa,%sysfunc(intnx(day,%sysfunc(today()),-1),mmddyy6.))); %let z = %sysfunc(cats(testb,%sysfunc(intnx(day,%sysfunc(today()),-1),mmddyy6.))); libname out "/path/output/"; %put &x &y &z; data out.final; set in1.&x in1.&y in1.&z in2.&x in2.&y in2.&z ; run; proc print data=out.final; run; but my output is printing like this ERROR: File IN1.test21318.DATA does not exist. ERROR: File IN1.testa21318.DATA does not exist. ERROR: File IN1.testb21318.DATA does not exist. ERROR: File IN2.test21318.DATA does not exist. ERROR: File IN2.testa21318.DATA does not exist. ERROR: File IN2.testb21318.DATA does not exist. but in actual output locations datasets will be in the following format test021318.sas7bdat testa021318.sas7bdat testb021318.sas7bdat dataset will be with previous day could you kindly help me in achieving the desired result.
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