I am working on SAS 9.4 and it is on Unix server now when I want to export a SAS dataset in CSV on my local machine, I get an error. I know it is because I am trying to transfer it fromUnix... but do we have an alternative to transfer it to window(by code not by file export option) code: proc export data=ABC dbms=csv outfile="\\homedrivestmp\homedisk1\emar646\Desktop\Forecast\New folder\NEW_ENROLLMENT.csv" replace; run; error: ERROR: Insufficient authorization to access /sas/common/config/Lev1/SASApp/\\homedrivestmp\homedisk1\emar646\Desktop\Forecast\New folder\NEW_ENROLLMENT.csv. I also tried %ds2csv (data=abc, runmode=b, csvfile=\\homedrivestmp\homedisk1\emar646\Desktop\Forecast\New folder\retail.csv); its not working and just opening the sas dateset and not transferring anything
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