Dear Group, i am attempting a classification tree for a medical outcome. both the outcome variable and independent variables are binary. my tree looks like it is reading the program as if it is a continuous independent variable (but it's actually 0|1). For example, there are input values of 0.10 and 0.01. i do not understand that, and the SAS example i read on line for classification trees show different outputs. Does any one have some idea of what could be going on here? Also, was expecting a chi sq or p value. (?) MY code: data pam.inhib; proc hpsplit data=pam.copyinhib; class inhibition; model inhibition = acephate chlorpyrifos ddvp diazinon dimethoate methomyl mevinphos carbaryl carbofuran oxydemeton_methyl handler; grow chaid; run; i've attached the tree THANK YOU! best, pam
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