invoke_e macro, i have this following code:: %MACRO GenerateVariables ; %GLOBAL stUID Macro stMedInd stMCC stSex intAge intDur stPcode intIssueyr; %END; %GLOBAL N; DATA _NULL_ SET Output.ULExtract&SYear END = LAST; CALL SYMPUT(COMPRESS('stUID'||_N_), Polnum); CALL SYMPUT(COMPRESS('Macro'||_N_), stMacroName); CALL SYMPUT(COMPRESS('stMedInd'||_N_), MedInd); CALL SYMPUT(COMPRESS('stMCC'||_N_), Uncd); CALL SYMPUT(COMPRESS('stSex'||_N_), Mysex); CALL SYMPUT(COMPRESS('intAge'||_N_), issage); CALL SYMPUT(COMPRESS('intDur'||_N_), Duration); CALL SYMPUT(COMPRESS('stPcode'||_N_), Plancode); CALL SYMPUT(COMPRESS('intIssueyr'||_N_), efyr); IF LAST THEN CALL SYMPUT('N',_N_); RUN; %MEND; %MACRO RunCompositeQx; %DO i = 1 %TO &N; %ULCompositeQx&&Macro&i(&&stUID&i,&&Macro&i,&&stMedInd&i,&&stMcc&i,&&stsex&i,&&intAge&i,&&intDur&i,&&stPcode&i,&&intIssueyr&i); PROC SQL NOPRINT; INSERT INTO Work.Output VALUES (&stPolnum, &CompQx1, &CompQx2); QUIT; %END; %MEND; %MACRO FinalRun; /*%DO j = 1 %TO &FracChunk;*/ %GenerateVariables; %RunCompositeQx; %MEND; %FinalRun;run; This is throwing up the following error: ERROR 22-322: Syntax error, expecting one of the following: a quoted string, a numeric constant, a datetime constant, a missing value, MISSING, NULL, USER. and LINE and COLUMN cannot be determined WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro ULCompositeQx not resolved. Could you please help me get this macro working please?
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